In this short documentary by Lidewij Hartog and Nino Kennis, I share what the ocean means to me. It’s about more than just a place – it’s a part of who I am. Even though some might think it has taken something from me, I keep finding myself drawn back to it, driven by a connection I can’t quite explain but deeply feel.
We Need Your Vote!
Our documentary has been nominated for the GKA Awards 2025, and we’d be stoked to have your support.
As a professional photographer, I’ve always aimed for perfection. The perfect shot, the creative brief, the clients shot list. But this project was something different. It was about chasing a vision, no matter how difficult or impossible it seemed.
I dreamed of swimming through the water holding my camera, as a fish. It felt so normal and easy, as it was something I was doing every day. Along the way it didn’t seem to be so easy, and I often asked myself: Why? What’s the purpose of it all?
The answer? To push boundaries… always. To create something real… absolutely. But there is something that became very clear to me. And now, this story is up for an award, and your vote can help us share it with the world.
Thank you for supporting this dream, the power of storytelling, and for making this journey unforgettable.

Director: @lidewijhartog
Director of Photography: @ninokennis
Sound operator: @samuelredjono_
1st AC + Gaffer:
Water cinematographer: @koolebas
Editor: @lidewijhartog
Sounddesign: @quincyvlijtig / @sauvagesoundstudios
Colorist: @jellehelwig
Trailer editor: @jirobosma
Athlete: @oswald_smith
Love and Support: @marije.elgersma
Supported by: @mysticboarding
Special thanks: @jagershots, @miriam_joanna_art @jonathandoornenbal, @analogclubamsterdam